Vacation Indulgences
Catherine Franssen Catherine Franssen

Vacation Indulgences

Sometimes the indulgences of vacation can cause more troubles than they solve… and end up ruining the stress relief you were seeking on your getaway. Here are a few strategies to have more fun and come home from vacation happier than when you left!

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The Value of Vacation Planning
Catherine Franssen Catherine Franssen

The Value of Vacation Planning

Vacations are supposed to be an outlet to reduce stress… so how do we make sure they don’t cause more stress! Good planning is essential to the success of a vacation. Here are a few ideas to tweak vacation planning efforts for the best experience possible.

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Take care of you first
Catherine Franssen Catherine Franssen

Take care of you first

Today I am reminding you that you are worth taking care of. You matter. You are important. Stress management is like first aid or the oxygen masks on an airplane. Take care of yourself first. You cannot best help others before you help yourself.

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Blue Mind
Catherine Franssen Catherine Franssen

Blue Mind

As the summer heats up, I’m rereading some of my own research as it connects with water. Dr. J Nichols referred to my research several times in his book: Blue Mind: The Surprising science that shows how being near, in, on, or under water can make you happier, healthier, more connected, and better at what you do. I highly recommend it for your summer reading!

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Dad Brain
Catherine Franssen Catherine Franssen

Dad Brain

In celebration of Father’s Day I’m reviewing some of the top ways that father’s brains are altered and shaped by the experience of having children.

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Summer vacation stress management
Catherine Franssen Catherine Franssen

Summer vacation stress management

In this video clip I talked about the role of planning your vacation, balancing your indulgences, and a few communication strategies for low-stress travel.

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How to make your own luck
Build Resilience Catherine Franssen Build Resilience Catherine Franssen

How to make your own luck

When we say that someone is lucky, we tend to think that their success or failure is brought by chance rather than through their personal actions, but luck is actually more psychological than it is anything else. It’s related to how we view the world, our personality and how our brain is wired.

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The Stress Relief of Cuteness
Play Catherine Franssen Play Catherine Franssen

The Stress Relief of Cuteness

Cute images, like baby animals, can actually reduce stress, improve memory and foster a sense of kama muta. So even while there are plenty of stresses brought on by the changing season, the cuteness factor of spring might actually offer us some stress relief!

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Brain Awareness Week
Parenting, Play, Education Catherine Franssen Parenting, Play, Education Catherine Franssen

Brain Awareness Week

Brain Awareness Week is an international campaign to raise public awareness of the benefits and breakthroughs in brain research. Beyond the focused week, resources are available year-round to help you engage the brain whenever it suits best!

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Rare Disease Day: Our journey with alopecia
Parenting Catherine Franssen Parenting Catherine Franssen

Rare Disease Day: Our journey with alopecia

Rare diseases are, well, rare. But with over 7,000 of them affecting over 300 million people globally, chances are good that you know someone with a rare disease. If you don’t yet, meet my daughter Gwen, who has alopecia universalis.

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TV as stress relief?
Coping Strategies Catherine Franssen Coping Strategies Catherine Franssen

TV as stress relief?

Television is a great hobby. And it can even relieve some stress. But what happens when reducing stress from one thing causes stress in another part of your life? What happens when relaxing by watching tv (or TikToks, or social media, or playing video games) starts to cause problems?

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The Senses of Communication
Play Catherine Franssen Play Catherine Franssen

The Senses of Communication

Whether good or bad, there’s something different about meeting someone IRL versus digitally. It turns out that our senses work together to allow us to connect with others and collect information in ways we aren’t even conscious of.

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Isolating While Sick
Build Resilience Catherine Franssen Build Resilience Catherine Franssen

Isolating While Sick

When you’re sick, you feel terrible and you really don’t want to interact with anyone. But you have obligations to work, school, family, community, and so on. You’re supposed to be places and do things, but you just don’t feel up to it. Why do you feel bad when you’re sick, why do you want to isolate, and how do you navigate those important decisions to do the right things when feeling ill?

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Build Resilience Catherine Franssen Build Resilience Catherine Franssen


While many people acknowledge a bit of missed sleep or tiredness, few realize how much sleep they are missing and how big a problem it may be. Insomnia may be affecting every part of your life, whether or not you know it.

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Dark Chocolate Health Benefits
Build Resilience Catherine Franssen Build Resilience Catherine Franssen

Dark Chocolate Health Benefits

Between National Dark Chocolate Day and the Valentine candy displays, the temptation is real. Let’s indulge in a bit of science about the health benefits of chocolate, and then wrap up with a few thoughts on how to manage those chocolate cravings in a healthy way!

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