Seasonal Stress Management Blog

Hi! I’m Dr. Franssen. Or maybe you should call me Catherine, because in my blogs, you’ll get to know me a bit better.

Anyone who’s ever been cornered by me at a cocktail party can attest to the fact that I am utterly fascinated with the science behind stress, seasons, parenting, productivity, and pretty much everything that makes life interesting. In this blog I answer questions, reflect on personal and professional challenges, and share insights from my expertise. In short, this is neuroscience for everyday life.

If I haven’t written about something you care about yet, please reach out! I love answering questions.

How to make your own luck
Build Resilience Catherine Franssen Build Resilience Catherine Franssen

How to make your own luck

When we say that someone is lucky, we tend to think that their success or failure is brought by chance rather than through their personal actions, but luck is actually more psychological than it is anything else. It’s related to how we view the world, our personality and how our brain is wired.

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Isolating While Sick
Build Resilience Catherine Franssen Build Resilience Catherine Franssen

Isolating While Sick

When you’re sick, you feel terrible and you really don’t want to interact with anyone. But you have obligations to work, school, family, community, and so on. You’re supposed to be places and do things, but you just don’t feel up to it. Why do you feel bad when you’re sick, why do you want to isolate, and how do you navigate those important decisions to do the right things when feeling ill?

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Build Resilience Catherine Franssen Build Resilience Catherine Franssen


While many people acknowledge a bit of missed sleep or tiredness, few realize how much sleep they are missing and how big a problem it may be. Insomnia may be affecting every part of your life, whether or not you know it.

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Dark Chocolate Health Benefits
Build Resilience Catherine Franssen Build Resilience Catherine Franssen

Dark Chocolate Health Benefits

Between National Dark Chocolate Day and the Valentine candy displays, the temptation is real. Let’s indulge in a bit of science about the health benefits of chocolate, and then wrap up with a few thoughts on how to manage those chocolate cravings in a healthy way!

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Stress Eating Science
Build Resilience Catherine Franssen Build Resilience Catherine Franssen

Stress Eating Science

Stress happens. Eating may be a coping mechanism you use regularly. But it can get in the way of your overall health and wellness goals. Why do we overeat, and make unhealthy choices, when stressed? How do we overcome this biological tendance?

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How to sleep better: 5 unexpected tips
Build Resilience Catherine Franssen Build Resilience Catherine Franssen

How to sleep better: 5 unexpected tips

Sleep is critical to managing our stress and improving our daily lives. But getting more and better sleep can seem impossible. After years of teaching and researching sleep (and fighting my own battles with insomnia!), I’m sharing five unusual tips to improve your sleep.

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The Ultimate Sleep Challenge
Build Resilience Catherine Franssen Build Resilience Catherine Franssen

The Ultimate Sleep Challenge

I love trying new things, experimenting, and I find the challenges to be a fun way to get me excited about new approaches. I know that these things are essentially “tricks” to get me to change my behavior. But frankly, I’m ok with that. I want to trick myself into doing the new behaviors. So how do we use neuroscience to sleep better? I present to you… a challenge.

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Sleep as stress relief
Build Resilience Catherine Franssen Build Resilience Catherine Franssen

Sleep as stress relief

While it’s not an active stress management strategy, sleep can actually be good for stress relief. After all, a lack of sleep leads to many stressful situations in the first place. Here we explore a bit of neuroscience behind how sleep deprivation results in increased stress.

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Loneliness and the Stress of Being Alone
Build Resilience Catherine Franssen Build Resilience Catherine Franssen

Loneliness and the Stress of Being Alone

Winter is a time of increased social isolation and loneliness. Travel barriers from weather and illness increase our isolation this season. And even those of us who typically enjoy being alone feel the absence of others more acutely after the intense social connections of the holiday season. Why is isolation a stressor for us? What is loneliness?

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