Seasonal Stress Management Blog

Hi! I’m Dr. Franssen. Or maybe you should call me Catherine, because in my blogs, you’ll get to know me a bit better.

Anyone who’s ever been cornered by me at a cocktail party can attest to the fact that I am utterly fascinated with the science behind stress, seasons, parenting, productivity, and pretty much everything that makes life interesting. In this blog I answer questions, reflect on personal and professional challenges, and share insights from my expertise. In short, this is neuroscience for everyday life.

If I haven’t written about something you care about yet, please reach out! I love answering questions.

The Stress Relief of Cuteness
Play Catherine Franssen Play Catherine Franssen

The Stress Relief of Cuteness

Cute images, like baby animals, can actually reduce stress, improve memory and foster a sense of kama muta. So even while there are plenty of stresses brought on by the changing season, the cuteness factor of spring might actually offer us some stress relief!

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Brain Awareness Week
Parenting, Play, Education Catherine Franssen Parenting, Play, Education Catherine Franssen

Brain Awareness Week

Brain Awareness Week is an international campaign to raise public awareness of the benefits and breakthroughs in brain research. Beyond the focused week, resources are available year-round to help you engage the brain whenever it suits best!

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The Senses of Communication
Play Catherine Franssen Play Catherine Franssen

The Senses of Communication

Whether good or bad, there’s something different about meeting someone IRL versus digitally. It turns out that our senses work together to allow us to connect with others and collect information in ways we aren’t even conscious of.

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Everyday STEM for the Family!
Play Catherine Franssen Play Catherine Franssen

Everyday STEM for the Family!

To kick off this holiday week at home with family, I’m reposting an article I wrote two years ago with loads of ideas on how we can integrate STEM learning into our daily activities to supplement kids’ education. Check it out!

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The Soothing Neuroscience of Coloring Swear Words
Play, Coping Strategies Catherine Franssen Play, Coping Strategies Catherine Franssen

The Soothing Neuroscience of Coloring Swear Words

Sitting at the kids table this holiday season? You might find yourself spending some time coloring… and you might find it surprisingly soothing! I wrote this piece about the neuroscience behind the adult coloring book fad back in 2016. And yes, I definitely referred to those that include swear words! Hey, whether you’re stressed out or overexcited, you might find yourself using a few choice words this holiday season. Grab a crayon and settle down a bit!

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