How to make your own luck
Build Resilience Catherine Franssen Build Resilience Catherine Franssen

How to make your own luck

When we say that someone is lucky, we tend to think that their success or failure is brought by chance rather than through their personal actions, but luck is actually more psychological than it is anything else. It’s related to how we view the world, our personality and how our brain is wired.

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The Senses of Communication
Play Catherine Franssen Play Catherine Franssen

The Senses of Communication

Whether good or bad, there’s something different about meeting someone IRL versus digitally. It turns out that our senses work together to allow us to connect with others and collect information in ways we aren’t even conscious of.

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Dark Chocolate Health Benefits
Build Resilience Catherine Franssen Build Resilience Catherine Franssen

Dark Chocolate Health Benefits

Between National Dark Chocolate Day and the Valentine candy displays, the temptation is real. Let’s indulge in a bit of science about the health benefits of chocolate, and then wrap up with a few thoughts on how to manage those chocolate cravings in a healthy way!

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Holiday Stress Tips
Coping Strategies Catherine Franssen Coping Strategies Catherine Franssen

Holiday Stress Tips

For this post, I’m flashing way back to 2011 when I gave what I’m pretty sure was my very first television interview ever! Rewatching it now, I'm actually impressed with the clear insights and concrete tips I was giving way back then! Take a few minutes to review my thoughts on reducing stress & enjoying the holiday season to the fullest.

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Gratitude for Holiday Stress
Coping Strategies Catherine Franssen Coping Strategies Catherine Franssen

Gratitude for Holiday Stress

Today I’m sharing a video from a visit to my friends at Virginia this Morning on WTVR CBS-6 back in December 2017. This conversation took place the same month that my article on Scrooge was published on HuffPost, so you’ll notice that it’s referenced and the topics are similar, though one never knows where the questions will go!

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Black Friday and Neuromarketing
Decision Making Catherine Franssen Decision Making Catherine Franssen

Black Friday and Neuromarketing

Planning to shop this week? Prepare your brain for the onslaught of influences coming at you.

Watch my interview “Neuromarketing and Black Friday” with my friends at Virginia This Morning on CBS-6, WTVR, from November 2019 to review some of your top questions in under 5 minutes.

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